To you ...

I prayed 18 months for you .. when I finally gave up and thought I would never be a mom I saw those two pink lines and I was in shock after so many negatives a positive one seemed like a joke to me . My whole pregnancy I never felt sick once🙌🏻 it flew by though .... Finding out you were a boy was weird to me “I’m having a son😦” is what I would think a lot before bed .. Then the day came which ended in a unexpected c-sec! I honestly don’t remember much and I refuse to look at some pictures dad took lol I do remember tearing up the first time I heard you cry and when they put your cheek on mine for a few seconds it was the softest thing I had ever felt . Recovery has been painful but it wasn’t as difficult as I imagined ... now two months later you are growing and smiling which makes me smile as well . To be honest I was depressed at the beginning I couldn’t cope with my new life , many days filled with tears and stress but now I am feeling way better .. you are still a handful to this day but I see things getting better! 🥰

Andres Diaz 💘