Pregnancy symptoms??


Hey guys, I need your help! I have one little one who will be two in June, and I just recently (Jan 7th) got off of my Mirena. My cycle has been a little messed up but for the most part went right back to normal. I downloaded this app to try to keep track. My boyfriend and I aren’t using protection, but have been “careful”. I believe I ovulated on Feb 11th, and since then I’ve had some weird things happening. My boobs are so sore, and I mean I can’t even have water hit them. I get this tingly, burny feeling in my nipples off and on and my CM is a tan color but very little of it and for the most part it’s creamy when I do have it. I’ve had dizzy spells, headaches, and have been sooo tired. My boobs used to get tender before my period but never like this. Sometimes there are sharp pains that shoot through them, and they throb off and on. They’re firm as well. I took one test last week but nothing showed..might be too early. Any thoughts??? I had some light pink spotting the 13th-16th