To nervous to get excited


One year ago I had a miscarriage on the 10th of March. As time went on I learned to cope. Fast forward to January and my boyfriend and I decided to try again. Af showed her face in February and during that cycle I prayed to my angel above to bless our family with a rainbow. I'm still in shock that almost a year to the day I am receiving yet another positive test. I tested positive on 3/3/18 with my angel giving me a due date of 11/12/18 according to my lmp with my rainbow I tested 3/1/19 and am due 11/14/19 lmp 2/7/19. I'm over the moon but also trying not to have to maybe nerves and emotions running through me as I want this one to stick. Thank you ladies for hearing me all day today and looking at my pictures you all have helped me through my journey.