I thought this app was to express your feelings and to uplift other women 🤔


Some of bitches on this app is just rude for no reason. People ask questions and get called stupid or slow like if you don’t have nun nice to say don’t comment on their post PERIOD. In case y’all didn’t know that’s a form of bullying 😒 I read a post and a young lady asked if birth control was affective (she’s not trying to get pregnant) this chick gone tell her that her comment was stupid and she shouldn’t be having sex if she asking a dumb question like that. 🙄 that’s not a dumb question at all and depending on her age NO shouldn’t be having sex but if she is at least she on birth control. People come on this app for advice on things that’s going on in there life NOT to be judged 😠 I had to say this because I’m tired of you rude ass bitches