When do you think I Ovulated?

Evvvvaaaa • TTC #1 Since February 2016

Sorry I know you can't give me a proper answer without a chart of some sort. But usually I get a positive OPK on CD12 and I get bad O pains on CD13.

So this cycle, I got O pains on CD10 which was way early. Not too painful... but I hadn't used an opk yet. I did an opk on CD10 and it was blank...

On CD11, 12, 13 I did opk and it was starting to get darker. I was then away at a wedding all weekend so stopped testing.

Do you reckon I O'd on early CD10 or sometime after CD13 (according to OPK) ... I do know that I got lots white CM on CD15 dried on underwear... assuming that's not fertile.

Sorry if confusing. If I go by CD10 ovulation, I got really bad cramping on 9dpo for a whole day - like AF type cramps. But then again, I could have been cramping around 6dpo. I've had implantation cramps before and it really felt like that. I could have sworn I got a vvvvfl a couple of days ago. But now nothing... and no symptoms and no idea when AF due since I don't know when I ovulated!