Prayer for sisters who struggle to conceive


Father Lord,have mercy on us, you who created us also know how we have fallen because of our sins . You who gave us your son to be our savior knows us fully and completely .Lord Jesus, Only to you can we turn , you see how difficult it is for a woman in this world and especially a woman who doesn't bear a child. Lord Jesus hear our cry ,comfort us . You know where we stand , because you have stood here before. You have been mocked and betrayed. You know how it is to be considered pitiful and abandoned . Stand with us and our fellow women who cry out to you today. Open our wombs and grant us a child. May your will be done. Give us grace to live our lives confidently in you ,irrespective of our circumstances . Fill our cup with your joy and love that we may have enough not only for our own life but overflowing abundance to pour into the lives of the people around us. Lord ,you know our hearts desires but we dare not ask for what you have not willed for us . We trust in you and may your will be done . Comfort us . In Jesus name , Amen.