Throwing in the towel on breast feeding advice

I love being able to breast feed my son, for the million reasons every other breast feeding mom will tell you. Let’s be real... for me,It’s also hard as hell,absolutely exhausting,painful at times,and can also be a real pain in the ass when it comes to leaving home. My goal is 18mo (pumping the last 6) for all the health reasons you can find on Google. I honestly don’t know how I’m going to keep doing it like we are for that long. If he stays like he is,he will be a very active little boy. I love the bond we share but for myself I feel like when he’s old enough to walk up and demand my boob...he’s just too big. Until at least 6 months old I know I want to EBF but am I terrible if after that I just pump while we’re introducing new foods and maybe do a comfort feed at bed time? Right now my life is 100% on pause to demand feed my little guy,but the walls are really starting to close in on me. I feel like for my mental health I’m going to need some kind of break in our daily routine. I really don’t want to just be weak and throw in the towel before he’s ready either. I mentioned it to a breast feeding friend and she thinks I’m being completely selfish for considering pumping the last 6-12mo. Thoughts?