Do contractions feel like miscarriage pains?

I had a miscarriage 3 years ago at 11 weeks, I knew it was coming as 3 days prior they could not find a heartbeat at my OB appointment. I woke up one morning with the worst pains I’ve been in my entire life, which is still true to this day. I don’t remember if they came like contractions do, every couple minutes for however amount of time or if it was a continuous nonstop pain I just remember being in horrible pain for about 5 hours that stopped once I passed the baby. I dont think I’ve ever had Braxton Hicks this pregnancy I have been having pressure/tightening in my pelvic area since about 20 weeks but my OB said those weren’t contractions. Now that I’m 34 weeks I’m just wondering what contractions actually feel like I feel like I’m going to have them without realizing and end up having my baby in the car cause I didn’t realize (dumb I know). Are the early labor pains similar to miscarriage pains? I know they’re probably far worse than a MC pain.