Is it normal for my daughter to act like this ?

So my 4 month old had never cried when my MIL or FIL held her but since we haven't been going over a lot for the past 3 times we've gone once they hold she she starts to cry until they give her back to me . Yesterday was different though (in a bad way) she started crying so loud it sounded as if someone was hitting her it was similar to the way she cries when she gets her shots. She has never cried that loud before it was sad and I even got mad because they would purposely hold her and not give her back until she was screaming -.- I don't like my MIL so I don't care that she cries with her but I like my father in law . Is this normal ? I've never let them babysit her btw so I don't think its because they did something to her 

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