On my way to a healthier me!!


I started at 187 in December! I feel like a big cow! I gain weight like crazy! Just not happy with my self at all, didn’t like going to store because my weight I’ve never been this big before, I would shop online to get things delivered so I could avoid going in store’s!

Here is me now! I lost 26 lbs so far! My number I’m trying to go for is 120lb, hopefully I can keep the weight coming off, I’m a diabetic also found out January 1 2016 , I have my A1C down now which I’m proud of myself for that! Now i weigh 161😊me and my SO have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years with no luck at all, went to a doctor’s but they want 10,000 to get started with it, my SO has so so many health problems his self! Like to much to even begin telling you ladies, we want to be in our own house 🏡 first also! In one year we are hoping for! My family used my credit score to help there selfs and never paid me back so I’m having to paid it all my self like 32000!!!! With that said I could be pregnant today if I didn’t have to paid other people bills! So life lessons DON’T HELP YOUR FAMILY OR FRIENDS OUT! Unless it’s in there names also! Will never do that again! I paid 500 a month on bills just for that! And still trying to live while my family has a life always buying new items truck’s suv farm equipment cows, eating out all the time and what not! I’m over here living with my boyfriend grandma feeling like a user! My boyfriend family is the best people I have ever met! I try to stay to myself because I don’t want to bug his grandma, I do my own laundry take my clothes to the laundry mat, cooking in my room of what I can! But I’m getting out of this hole I got my self in! Come back to bigger then ever! I’m tried of this life style! 💯🙏🏻💯🙏🏻🏡🎊🤰🤱👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💍🐶🐶🐶🐶!