Not sure what to think about this

The last time I saw my ex was on New Years. He starting to get emotionally abusive and mentally too. I decided to stop having sex with him months before but he never liked that and always tried to. We were doing long distance so we would see each other every two weeks.

I went to go see him on New Years and he was in a bad mood because I was too happy. So we ended up doing shots and we ( me, him and two other people) all did one each. When I drink I am asleep within five minutes so I started to fall asleep. He decided he should take me home since I was too tired and I was asking him to. On the way to drop me back off he realized we still had time before my curfew so he decided to park in a parking lot far from the road. This was down a hill and there was no over head light. I had fallen asleep from the motion of the car and woke up when he stopped.

He almost immediately started touching my legs and kissing my neck even though I was half asleep and couldn’t talk. I started pushing his chest and it took a minute for him to get the hint so he stopped but when I woke up more he tried again and I was into is till it started to hurt. I keep saying I wanted to stop and he told me I’d get used to it ( that’s what usually happens) but I wasn’t into it by then and felt in uncomfortable.

The only reason he stopped is because someone drove by. After that he drove me home because I made him. I’ve only told one person about this because I’m embarrassed. I know I gave consent but I remember saying I was uncomfortable and wanted to stop. I just feel weird about it and it doesn’t feel right.