Moms with children with ADHD

My 8 year old son had been diagnosed with ADHD about 2-3 months ago. I’ve put him in behavioral therapy once a week and he has been put on medication. I still see little to no difference in his symptoms and behaviors. He cry’s almost everyday at school with frustration or throws temper tantrums, he’s constantly moaning/sighing or talking to himself (he dosent know how to be quite for 5 mins) he still has hard time remembering simple things (even tho I made him picture charts to help him every morning and night.. ex: brushing teeth, making bed, his shoes and backpack) I keep thinking to myself maybe I’m not doing enough for him? Maybe the medicine needs adjusting? Maybe he needs another session of counseling a week? maybe I need to get him to a psychiatrist instead of his pediatrician? I’m at my wits end with his behavior and constant calls from school! I have an IEP meeting at the end of this month to get him extra help with school but should I be doing more? Mothers with kids have adhd what do you do to help manage your child’s symptoms? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!