I’m just not excited for this baby


I wish I were happier for this child I carry. I can’t imagine why I’m not. I have one beautiful son, and a husband who loves him. The thing is though, I’m two months pregnant, almost three, and this baby does not get the attention that my first pregnancy did.

Before, I would note every little change. I would take photos, and I would look up names I liked. With this pregnancy, I might as well not be pregnant.

Whenever I think about it, my anxiety goes up. I have cravings and nausea, but I just don’t feel happy about feeling miserable, like I did last time. I do want this child. I am excited logically, for this child.

A huge part of me feels like maybe I am depressed. Maybe this is why I just can’t get happy and do the things other pregnant moms do on here. I have even stopped checking on the forums, or logging my log. I went for a check up today, and I was sad because the pictures were indecipherable.

My husband is in the military, and leaving us next month for a few months. This has contributed to it. Even he doesn’t seem to notice that I’m pregnant. Maybe he’s trying not to be sad about leaving. When he goes, it will be just my son and me here. All of our family live in different states.

I recently moved to a town where everyone knows everyone... but no one knows me. I don’t like having people I don’t invite, to be constantly in my business. But I am also having a hard time making mom friends in this town. Everyone I meet seems to not want to have play dates. It’s hard feeling lonely.

I don’t have the money right now to create the new baby’s room. I don’t have the manpower to move the furniture into the new baby’s room. I don’t have the motivation to even think about design ideas.

My husband says we’re going to have a girl... because he knows I want one. I’m not that optimistic. Our son was supposed to be a girl. I feel like maybe once I know for sure, I will start feeling those happy pregnancy moments, but who knows. When I hit 20 weeks, I’ll be all alone with nobody to celebrate with me.

Well, if one good thing can come out of writing about your thoughts and emotions, at least it did here. Thanks to this post, I have realized why I haven’t taken an interest in this pregnancy. Thank you depression.

This is such a pointless, erroneous, post. Thank you readers for taking the time with it. I’m sorry for putting you through my emotions.

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Posted at
Please speak to your midwife or doctor about how you are feeling.....depression during pregnancy can happen and there are things that can help you! Please dont struggle through this alone.....🙏


Michele • Mar 4, 2019
Thank you. I didn’t think about that


Posted at
I feel you momma.. Talk to your OB if you can. If not, I'm here for you.
I feel you momma.. Talk to your OB if you can. If not, I'm here for you.


Michele • Mar 4, 2019
Thank you. I’m emotional, but feel better knowing others care.


Posted at
I hope things get better for you.


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Posted at
Big hug! I felt the same way basically through out my entire second pregnancy. I also felt a ton of guilt for having another so soon after my daughter like she didn’t have enough time. I actually told my husband that I probably wouldn’t even cry when she was born last week, but when they put her on my chest I sobbed happy tears. And I’m so in love with her. I can’t believe it’s even possible to love this tiny human as much as I love my first. But it is and everything will be ok. And also- don’t worry about a room. We still haven’t done ANYTHING as far as a second baby room goes and probably won’t for a long long time 😆. Feel better, talk to your doctor and I wish you luck!


Michele • Mar 4, 2019
Thank you. That helped a lot.


Posted at
You need to seek mental counseling. Not trying to be rude, I’m just being blunt.