Still measuring 2 weeks ahead.

Im almost 32 weeks pregnant! Yay!

The last 3 appointments, my fundal height has been measuring 2 weeks ahead. Which is considered normal, according to my doctor.

At my doctors office, we have 3 different obgyns. You’ll rotate through all 3.

So, I had an appointment today.. he asked what I measured last time.. because I was measuring 2 weeks ahead. I told him the same. He asked when was my last ultrasound.. at 19 weeks 😭 so long ago. But he scheduled my growth scan on the 21st. YALLL I CANNOT WAIT.

Last time I saw my little man.. he was 11 oz. I’m excited to see what he looks like now.. and to figure out why im measuring 2 weeks ahead. Here’s to hoping all goes well.

Anyone else experience a fundal height measuring ahead? Like, was it just a bigger baby..? Oor higher amniotic fluid? I’m just wanting others experience. I’m not necessarily worried. I’m curious

Thanks 😊