Period after miscarriage


So I've had three miscarriages. My first one I never got a period I got pregnant with my son straight away. My second one was a few weeks ago so I can't exactly remember what the first period was like but I'm just over 6 weeks after my third mc and I've been spotting since last night. I assumed period because I usually spot then sleep and the period starts but I woke up still spotting so I put my cup in and made my way to woke. When I checked at lunch time I had hardly anything. Just some like creamy red/ brown on the top of the cup but nothing in it. So I took my cup out and it's probably been like 16 hours spotting maybe more without it starting. Is that normal for a period after a MC or could it possibly be like implant bleeding because I'm definitely hoping for that *fingers crossed* but I don't want to get my hopes up of course.