Misdiagnosed blighted ovum

To put it mildly, this pregnancy has been a whirlwind! Although this will be my 3rd child, this pregnancy has already been like no other!

I got a positive pregnancy test on Jan 25th. Based on my LMP (12/28), I should be about 9 weeks now. I went to my OB to confirm the pregnancy in early February. It was too early to see much on the U/S so they scheduled a follow up. I went back on 2/18. I KNEW something was wrong during the ultrasound because the sonographer was completely quiet. I also didn’t see (or hear) anything during the sonogram. I’ve been through this enough to know what I should be seeing at this point of the pregnancy. The doctor told me that my gestational sac was empty. EMPTY! No fetal pole. No yolk sac. Nothing. I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum and I was devastated!! I was told that the sac will either pass naturally or I could schedule a D&C. I decided to let nature take it’s course.

The following week I was so sick! Extreme nausea, fatigue, and of course depression. I was tired of waiting for something to happen and no longer wanted to “feel pregnant” if I actually wasn’t. I went back to the doctor on 2/22 to schedule the D&C. They drew blood but did not do a repeat ultrasound. I honestly didn’t even want to subject myself to that again.

So here I am, on the day of the procedure, dressed in my surgical gear and ready to get this over with. I just wanted to move on from this whole experience. Before the procedure, I was taken to get an ultrasound. I KNEW something was up when the sonographer took a while. I’m thinking “if it looks the way it did before -empty- this should take like 2 minutes!” She called in another sonographer to confirm what she was seeing. There was, in fact, an embryo AND a yolk sac! I was stunned!!!

I went for a follow up to confirm fetal viability and they were able to get a heartbeat! 102 BPM to be exact. The doctor confirmed that I’m 6 weeks, and not 9 weeks like we originally thought. That would explain the empty sac weeks ago - I was literally too early for anything to be seen. I went from preparing for a new baby, to preparing for a miscarriage, and now back to preparing for a new baby! How unbelievable!! I haven’t reached a point where I’m excited because I’m still so guarded and cautious about this pregnancy.

I tell my story so that other women know that a blighted ovum CAN be misdiagnosed. Advocate for yourself and your baby! Don’t put ALL of your trust in doctors because even they can be wrong! Nature has a way of surprising us. My new due date is Oct 30th and I’m praying this baby holds on and keeps beating the odds❤️