I am scared.


Simply put, I’m scared. Really scared. There are so many thoughts that go through my head every single day. I’m a first time mom, and due in about 6 weeks. 😬 These are some of my daily thoughts.

What if I can’t figure out how to take care of my baby? I’ve never held a baby/changed a diaper/calmed a screaming child before. What if my child doesn’t love me? What if i am not prepared??

My husband and I have a great relationship. He’s wonderful. What if he can’t love me any more after the baby comes? What if he only has enough love for the baby? Am i crazy? (Lol)

Will i ever look the same as i used to? I’m 27 and i know my body has gone through some major changes in the past 8 months. Can my body bounce back? Can i accept it if it doesn’t?

Is anyone out there having similar thoughts? Any opinions from other moms (or dads)?