Sex life TMI

My boyfriend and I use to have sex a lot but things have changed.. he used to want a lot of foreplay but now he just wants to use lube.. we used to have sex like 4 times a week and now we have sex like 1 time a week. We used to have sex for like 20min but now we have sex for like 10minutes or less before he ejaculates. I just feel like he’s lost interest. He says he’s just tired from work and he loves me a lot and he finishes quick because he enjoys sex with me but I think maybe he just wants to get it over with or something. I feel very sad about this stuff. I asked him while I was sick if he was interested in sex and he basically said no because I was sick but now I’m not sick and he hasn’t had sex with me for almost a week again. He says he’s been tired from his new job but he always wants to go out with friends. Feedback?


I spoke with him one more time about this and told him it was really depressing me.

He said he didn’t realize it was hurting me a lot and he would touch me more

That he was sometimes worried about the baby

Idk maybe this is true but I just feel lonely

He said he would change and he just me to be all his

It was nice to hear but for now imma still cry over this 😭 I’m scared he’s losing interest/is cheating/wants to cheat/potentially more into social media/porn or something