I don’t think I’m happy anymore.

My fiancé & I have been together for almost two years, but for the past year, things have been rough. He’s emotionally abusive to the point where I’ll have a panic attack & he just... doesn’t care.

He always gets his grandmother involved, which is extremely immature & then she’ll send me these nasty, threatening texts. He always says she’ll apologise... months later, I’m still waiting.

He’s visiting her for four days— is it bad that I’m excited to have some space? We live together and the only time we get space from each other is when he’s at work for 6-9+ hours. I work as my father’s carer at the moment so I’m constantly home, taking care of the house, the dog, and everything in between.

On top of it all, I had a miscarriage back in January. When I was 5 weeks pregnant, we had an argument because I was tired & he couldn’t be bothered doing shit around the house— 7 weeks & 6 days, i miscarried. He said it’s my fault for getting so worked up. That still haunts me until this very day.

It seems like everything I do, I’m a burden. I ask for an us day? An issue. I ask him to clean? An issue. I ask him to unload the dishwasher? An issue.

I’m starting to wonder... is he the man I really want to marry?

EDIT: Thank you for your input!! Firstly, the baby wasn’t planned. I have PCOS & got my ovulation dates mixed up— that was totally my fault. We only had sex one day without protection. We’re both responsible for that.

Secondly, we’re 21 & 22. His grandmother has babied him his entire life & now he expects to run to her every time we have an argument. I want something serious & he still wants to play games.

Going to have a serious talk with him this evening. 😕