Drug problems


My husband is an addict and relapsed 3 years ago. It has been a very rough few years for us in every aspect. Financial problems were extra tough as he was spending money we didn't have. I finally found a solution and opened a separate account that he wouldn't have access to.

I transfer money to his account each week for gas, cigs, and allowance. He has been blowing his allowance on drugs since we started this. Even working side jobs to come up with more drug money!

FINALLY last week he gave half of it to me to put towards a family event. And today he mentioned using his next allowance to put towards getting his windows tinted.

While he is still using, it is just small step and I am so happy he will have something to show for his allowance and not be blowing it on drugs. Plus, now that he isn't working side jobs to come up with drug money, he is home more and getting things done at home that have been piling up. I hope he continues in this direction and doesn't fall back into his old habits.

Edited to add: He works for a living and earns his own money. Therefore, the money I give him isn't solely "my money". We used to join all our income into one account and I took care of paying bills. Now he only has access to a limited amount of his income based on our budget.