Healthy relationship with food.

How do you change your mindset with food? When I think about the weekend, I think about going out and hanging out, eating a ton of fattening food. I often eat when I’m bored. I crave sweets after dinner. When I try to eat healthier, I get into this mindset and freak out thinking I can’t eat anything that I enjoy. I think I’ll always be stuck on chicken and vegetables and end up giving up.

When I was younger I wanted to lose weight for the appearance. At this point as a young adult, I’m more concerned about my health. I’m 5’4 & 200 pounds. I’m peeing all the time. Even if I’m not drinking anything I am constantly peeing. My vision used to be perfect, now a lot of things far are very blurry. I’m squinting a lot. I’m getting dark areas around my armpits. All signs of diabetes and it scares me.

I don’t know where to start, and after I lose the weight, I want to keep it off. I don’t want a quick fix. I just don’t know how to keep these cravings down, and not drive myself crazy with overthinking I can’t have anything then binging. I want to look forward to going out without the thought of “what am I gonna eat” I just want a healthy relationship with food.. any advice I appreciate.