Higher thyroid levels and pregnancy

Hey ladies. My bloodwork came back with my thyroid levels being higher than normal. They checked because of a possible suspicion and I’m glad they did because I never would’ve known.

Has anyone had any experience with an abnormal thyroid level and how it affects pregnancy?

Im starting a low dose of levothyroxine (don’t know how to spell properly) and am meeting with an endocrinologist to help track my levels during pregnancy and after. My doctor was vague on the phone about it possibly affecting the babies development and I’m too scared to google. As far as right now I don’t go in for another three weeks so I don’t know what questions to ask or what I need to know about this.

I should probably mention I also have an ANA of 1 in 640 which means I have some type of autoimmune issue in my body. But have not found a specific diagnosis as of yet because my old doctor wouldn’t run any tests due to my age being only 20 at the time. Now 22 and never had any of those tests done. I come from a background of hypothyroidism on my moms side in her and both of her parents. She also has lupus. And my sister has fibromyalgia. So our family seems prone to autoimmune issues. And the thyroid issue could be caused by the autoimmune system