Breastfeeding 17mo. No period.


How long did it take you to get your period back after your baby? I’m still breastfeeding my first son who is 17mo. old. I work full time and am only nursing him 3-4x/24hours (when i get home before dinner, before bed, maybe once at night, and before work). I stopped pumping at 15mo. I was an overproducer before but now I’ve cut back a lot in hopes to bring back my fertility. I had a blood test on Monday to see what the heck was up and my hormone levels all came back normal. I feel like my body is changing with cramps, nausea, increased CM. I’ve started using ovulation strips but only for two nearly positive results and no other pattern. My temps are all over the chart. Any TTC advise? I really don’t want to stop BF until after 2 years.