Extremely stressed out about after birth visiting... kinda long post


So a little bit of some background... my fiancé’s mother and mine do not get along. His mom said some very rude things to me which I told my mom(obviously, I tell my mom pretty much everything) and she proceeded to tell his mom to not talk to me that way etc. just a lot of negative energy between them. My fiancé also has some god complex and thinks his family is better than mine, so he hates my mom and stepdad, my dad, my sister,(complains about my niece when we watch her) and her baby daddy(they just recently split), and hates my grandparents (dads side). So pretty much everyone I’m close with, and they all live relatively close(within an hour).

I am due in August and this will be our first child. I had a miscarriage before this pregnancy and immediately got pregnant right away again.I feel like I have been robbed of this pregnancy since the beginning. My side of the family has been excited since I told them. His family is finally coming around. When he told his mom I was pregnant all she said was “oh boy” and “I hope this is the only your having”. Honestly I want 2-3 kids. Then after we hit our 12 week mark I was telling my SO that we needed to make a post on social media to let everyone know because I was tired of feeling awkward when people would come up to me and say “sorry you lost the baby” and then have to tell them I’m pregnant again. So I told him how I wanted it done and when(I don’t have any social media, we were BOTH supposed to delete everything but he never did). Our 12 weeks was right before Valentine’s Day so I wanted to do a cute Valentines Day theme announcement. It was supposed to be a JOINT thing, something TOGETHER, Seeing as it’s BOTH of ours kid. He went ahead posted the stupidest announcement ever..it was like a picture of some pills in a hand and each one of the pills represented something like “everything is sticky”, “freedom” etc. with a picture of our ultrasound. He didn’t even tell me he was gonna post anything I had to find out from my sister. Obviously I blew up and told him he was an idiot, he then changed the pill picture to some saying about love and change. At that point I was just pissed off enough I didn’t care anymore.

So anyways to get to the point of why I’m stressed out, he told me that my mother can’t be up at the hospital when I’m giving birth because she’s already been there for the birth of a grandchild (my niece) and that if his mom doesn’t go up there because my mom is there he said he’s gonna be a complete douche bag to my mom. He said that my family needs to wait til we’re home to see the baby. I have told him that I can have anyone up there that I want ,seeing as I’m the patient not him. And honestly I really don’t want anyone up there, not his family, and not mine. I watched my sister go through her birth and it was traumatic. She didn’t sleep for 3 days because everyone felt the need to see the baby while she was in the hospital. I’m about to have it setup to where I’m just gonna do this all on my own, not even have my SO there. I don’t want to have to worry about what’s going on around me while I’m trying to do my job and give birth.

Does anyone have any insight on how I should approach this situation?