Omg omg!! I cant believe it! πŸ€—πŸ˜πŸ’š


So... I'm still in shock.. I've miscarried 3 times in the past.... and well... i calculated from the 1st day of my last period which was Feb 3rd, 2019. That makes me 5 weeks pregnant!!

Like... it's one of my deepest desires to be a mom and i never thought I would get another chance at being a mother. I haven't been able to get pregnant until now, since mid 2016.

I'm stunned.. I'm excited, beyond happy and also terrified. I'll be due around November 11th. ... and I'm also going back to school in august.. πŸ˜‘ but oh well lol deep slow breaths through the nausea and we will get there lol

Btw... I'm only 6 days late on my period and I decided to go ahead and test. Well... I'm glad I did! Lol Look at it!!

Sorry guys... I'm still in so much shock. I'm gunna test again in the morning just to double check but... yeah. Holy crap guys.. I might finally get to be a mom! And I'm with an amazing guy πŸ’š

Btw just to clarify, I'm 25 and my bf is 26.

I need all the prayers and baby dust you have to spare because I will do anything for this rainbow baby