Do you put your pets in a kennel when you leave for work, errands, etc?


We have a 5 year old Weimaraner who is HYPER. She gets walked everyday, has a huge backyard to play in, chase things, etc and when she comes in the house she will sling her toys around & knock over furniture, knock down barriers/gates to get to our bed or kitchen, etc. We had been kenneling her each time we left home, but just recently started leaving her out to see if she’d be ok since she had some training done. So far, she’s been ok. She hasn’t chewed anything or knocked anything over, and she’s been content with her bed/toys. It’s so nice not having to worry about her being in the kennel during the day, and I know she’s much happier being able to roam, so I was wondering if other people kenneled their pets, and for what reasons? Are their certain pets you can’t trust to stay out of the kennel? What steps did you take for your pet to be ok outside of the kennel?

Here’s a picture of our crazy Abigail lol

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