High hcg levels, missed miscarriage, and cytotec

Stacey • My 🌈 baby Evelyn Arya born 4/5/20

For those that had to take cytotec to begin miscarriage, what were your hcg levels before you took the pills?

Mine are 58,000 and I’m 7w4d. I took the pills 5 months ago when I was about 8 weeks and the pregnancy stopped progressing around 5 but my level was only 14,000. I remember the worst part felt like intense contractions when I passed the sac.

Originally I was going to do surgery this time but chickened our and just want to be at home again. Last Thursday my dr gave me all the choices. Surgery, pills, or just wait a week or 2. However I changed my mind to pills and now he’s scaring me and saying it might be really bad this time because of my high hcg level, but it might not. I’m taking the pills in an hour just because I feel like the longer I wait the more pain I’ll be in.