Possibly miscarriage ADVICE and EXPERIENCES PLEASE


Thank you for reading.

Woke up to light bleeding that darkened with chunks. Mild cramping. They found a 4.39cm ovarian cyst

I’m now at the hospital waiting on the blood test results to let me know how far along I am. Ultrasound is showing 4 weeks and some days because it’s just showing a sac of fluid. I know I’m 6 weeks and 5 days-if my blood test show 6 weeks and 5 days that would indicate I had or having a miscarriage or tubal pregnancy according to Dr. If blood test show 4 weeks and some days then I must have ovulated late in my cycle. And at 4 weeks and some days you can’t see a baby therefore the bleeding has no source and is harmless

so my emotions are haywire.

Any advice, experiences, comments?