My rainbow baby is real


After two consecutive MCs, I found out I was pregnant early this year.

Today, at 11wks pregnant I went for my first ultrasound. -I live in Sweden where unless you sign up for genetic risk testing, you only get one ultrasound around your 20th week. Though I want this baby, regardless of possible genetic risks, I decided to do the nipt test to squeeze in an early ultrasound.

I didn’t know I was so tense until the technician said she saw a heartbeat and I started crying. I realized that until I heard those words I had been keeping myself at a distance from this pregnancy.

Now looking at the two pictures from the ultrasound I feel like I JUST found out I am pregnant. I feel excited and so grateful to God.

I am pregnant. For real. I have nearly made it through the first trimester. (Phew)

Feeling so happy.