So freaking annoyed! Has this happened to anyone else???


So i had an ultrasound at 14 weeks. They told me it was a boy...... Like ok. Whew i wanted a boy because i already have 3 girls. Ok so i go in for another ultrasoumd at 21 weeks and they say oops its a girl.... She reassured me about 7 times she was positive it was a girl and had another doc look who also said it was a girl. I was hella upset at first but have become to love that its a girl. Started getting stuff for her and everything.

Ok so now go in today for another ultrasound.. Im 25 weeks now (i have placenta previa so i go in every couple weeks for ultrasound) and they freaking say omg its a boy. Like what in the actual fuck.?.?.?. So i dont even know if im having a dam boy or girl at this point. All i care about is a happy and healthy baby but at the same time i would like to be prepared when baby does get here with everything he/she may need. Im starting to lose my mind about it. Is there two in there or are these people just constantly getting it wrong???

UPDATE: POTTY SHOT. This was the 21 week one. The first ultrasound pics are on my old phone and im still waiting for my email of todays pics. But see she even wrote no pee pee on there... So crazy. Im going to do a blood test. I didnt know they were more accurate. Thank you ladies!!!!