Managing Frustration & Anxiety


I’m finally less than two weeks away from meeting with a specialist/RE to get clarity on my RPL test results (1 heterozygous MTHFR mutation, possible clotting issue, and chromosome inversion) and the wait is taking so much out of me. I had two miscarriages in three months and am trying to prepare myself for more bad news cuz my heart can’t take it anymore! How do y’all manage? How do you stay on the brighter side of things when all you want to do is google and spiral?

I started going to therapy after my second and it has been helping, but even trying to FIND a doctor is so stressful. It feels like every doctor I try to meet with takes soooo long to get back to me to make an appointment or to tell me they don’t have availability. I definitely didn’t imagine the work it would take just to get access to answers/support or that I would be dedicating so much time and energy on it (let alone have multiple miscarriages).