What am i doing wrong ? My baby wont sleep 😭


My son is a year old and he used to fall asleep so easily and sleep through the night until he stopped wanting his binkie at 8 months (I've tried he wont take it he spits it out) now he doesnt go to bed until almost 1am and that's after he has fought, screamed, kicked, punched and cried his lungs out for over an hour and then to make things worse he wakes up 5-6 times for a bottle and then fully wakes up at 8am. I'm so exhausted (currently pregnant with baby #2) I dont know what to do I'm at a total loss I've tried everything from cutting out naps to feeding him a huge dinner before bed nothing is working 😭 tonight he was screaming in my bed not wanting to sleep so I tried to put him in his own crib and he screamed bloody murder until I finally put him back into my bed and he finally fell asleep but I dread the night knowing he will be back up in an hour for a bottle and every single hour after that 😭 I seriously feel like I'm failing as a mother I just dint know what to do to get him on a good sleep schedule, I'm loosing my mind here any help would be appreciated at this point...