Venting ๐Ÿ˜”

I guess I just need to vent.. I had my last baby 5 weeks ago.. This has been by far the worst I've felt physically after having a baby.. Maybe because I haven't been able to rest at all or maybe because I've been under so much stress but I am also mentally and emotionally exhausted ๐Ÿ˜ญ.. My dad passed away a few days before I had my baby so instead of feeling joy and enjoying my new baby I was planning a funeral.. My sister was so affected by our dads passing that she relapsed on drugs.. So while I was planning a funeral I was also filing a missing persons report because she went missing for days to go get high.. She came back the day of the funeral.. After the funeral she continues to dissapear every couple of days.. Her boyfriend, who she lived with, would call me every day to ask me where she was.. To tell me he was tired of her.. To complain about God knows what.. I finally told him to stop calling me because I had enough problems of my own Like for example while my sister was making us all worry, my son was getting bullied at school and getting in fights because of it..I went to speak with the principal and thought we came up with a good plan to keep my son safe and away from the bullies.. Even though it didn't matter if he was defending himself it still goes on his record as an offense.. So he is on his 4th offense and next ste is suspension ๐Ÿ˜” anyway Everything was good for like 2 days.. Then we get a phone call that my sister is in jail because her boyfriend and her were fighting and well she tried defending herself with a kitchen knife (her EX bf is a psycho, he has written her letters that he is going to kill her dogs and himself if she doesn't go back) anyway.. Her bail was 50,000 so we couldn't get her out because we had just spent a ton of money on my dad's funeral and didnt really have money for her bail.. She was there for afew days then my mom convinced the ex to drop the charges so they let her free.. That was an eye opening experience for her so thank God that is done with.. Then Monday and tuesday come and the bully that was supposed to be moved to other classes is still in PE and science with my son so he is still bothering him.. My son said he would go talk to the principal yesterday to let her know because he was to not come near my son or he'd be suspended.. Well my son gets home from school yesterday and he's upset and shaking and he goes straight to his room so I called him back out and ask him what is going on.. Well 1st someone stole his skateboard FROM SCHOOL.. Then when he was walking home some older girls stop him and push him and pull a KNIFE on him because they thought he had their VAPE PEN ... Wtf.. they threw him against the wall a couple of times and emptied out his back pack to look for it .. When they obviously realized he didn't have it on him they threatened to stab him if he doesn't give it back... My son is 11 yo in 6th grade.. These girls are 7th grade and they are giants about a foot taller than my son.. Right away i grabbed my keys and grabbed my child and left to go report it to the school.. During our conversation with the principal she kept asking my son what HE DID TO THE GIRL!!! even though he kept telling her he has never even talked to her before.. She was completely ignoring the fact that the girl had a knife AND a vape pen at school!.. Finally she told us she would contact the school officer and ask what HE thinks they should do next.. She told us she would call me to let new know what they decide and dismissed us.. Well guess what.. Screw the principle and her momma.. I went straight to the police department! Filed a report against the girls, while I was at the station the principal called me to tell me the officer wanted me to file a police report immediately.. She was so surprised when i told her i was already there.. The officer suggested my son stay home from school the next couple of days because he was so scared from what had happened and also because they are supposed to go arrest the girls today at school, they are going to so a surprise search and hopefully find the knife.. Either way there is cameras where this all happened ๐Ÿ’... Before we left the station the officer asked my son if he thinks the girls should go to jail.. My son said "well I feel kind of bad because they are kids and kids shouldn't be in jail, so no I dont think so" ๐Ÿ˜” on top of all this I haven't slept in days.. My 5 week old and 2 year old are sick with a virus and baby is having a hard time breathing ๐Ÿ˜ญ and my uterus is hurting so bad.. Not like contractions.. Like pain pain .. Thank you for reading if you got this far I really needed to vent โค

Oh did I mention one of my bestfriends of many years passed away suddenly on the day AND time my baby was born ๐Ÿ˜ญ.. My heart aches so mucn.. I cried so much when I found out I still can't believe it.. It doesn't seem real ๐Ÿ˜ข