Need help

So recently I started breaking out in little fluid like bumps on my hand and fingers, and today a scaly rash appeared on my pinky but I covered it with a bandage so I wouldn’t itch it, I have a doctor app scheduled for April 2nd because only date available, but this is driving me crazy.

-they are not itchy

-I’ve had them on and off

-it has nothing to do with anything sex wise, I’ve been with one partner for 8 years (married), and tested at doctor every time they give me my annual Pap smear which was a month ago (sorry if tmi just had to add)

-no it’s not poison ivy, I don’t really go outside, it’s been too 🥶

-it’s only been on my hands, and fingers

I know that by asking, I’m not going to know exactly what’s going on until I see my doctor, but maybe someone has experienced this or know someone who has and put some ease to my mind until I see my doctor. Thank you for reading

Update: so it has been driving me nuts all day, so I called to see if they had a cancellation, and they did and it turns out that I have eczema, which is crazy because I don’t have history of eczema. Hmmm I would have never guessed