
Has anyone experienced insomnia early on in their pregnancies? Is it even a symptom? Since Monday, without fail, I have been going to bed at 11:30, and absolutely EXHAUSTED, but yet my body is waking me up at 2:30am. Every little thing around me bothers me. Tiny noises bug me, little itches I have feel like a full blown rash, my lower back is killing me, I can’t get comfortable, and I’m absolutely starving. All during this, I am having the biggest headache in the back of my head and shaky vision. I have also tried having sex before going to bed to make myself tired, and when I orgasm, It’s been followed by cramps. I have never had these problems at all, and have always been a hard sleeper. I have tried staying up all day so I’ll be tired at night, and taking melatonin on top being so tired, and this is still happening. I have no idea if this is a sign of pregnancy, I have also had other slight signs. I’ve taken multiple tests, and had 2 come out with very slight lines. I have a drs appointment soon, so I guess we’ll find out! Ladies? Does any of this sound familiar or is this even a thing?