Bad ultrasound tech

Ive gotten three ultrasounds so far, at 20 weeks for the anatomy scan, at 23 weeks for a follow up because my baby was moving too much so the scan was very limited, and again yesterday at 26 weeks for a follow up because they couldnt get a good look at her face. The first two ultrasounds were amazing, the tech was extremely nice and was poker face while she had to be, the second i had a doctor training a tech and they were both great aswell, and yesterday i had the worst tech ever. She dug the wand in so deep into my stomach it was red for a couple of hours and actaully left a small bruise and not only that but when she saw something she kept making little noises and making faces. I dont care about any of that but it scared me that maybe something wrong was happening to my baby. When she was doing the ultrsound she kept bouncing up and down the wand on my stomach really hard to get the baby to move when all the other techs and doctors simply tell me to go empty my bladder. Hopefully my obgyn calls soon to let me know the results. Her little noises and faces really scared me.