Husband is mad at me for me being manipulated

From the age of 8-14 I was manipulated and abused. I'm not going to go into details. But when I was 13 i met a 24-26 year old guy. I dont remember his actual age but it was one of those. We would talk on the phone and he even came to see me. 4 hour drive. We were talking in his truck and all of a sudden about 8 cop cars pull up and arrest him. My dad got there and they took me to the hospital to see if he had raped me or what not. Anyways I would write cards to him and little notes wich he never received obviously me being 13-14. My dad found all of the stuff and he brought it back to me when he visited me a couple.of days ago. My husband knows my whole life and he asked if he could see what was in the notebooks. I showed him and know hes mad or serious with me because of me being a 13 naive year old kid in love. I dont know how to tell him I dont remember writing anything and to understand I was young