Do toddlers really know??

👑Kelicia🐘 • Kalana & Kamaya’s 👧🏾 👶🏾 Mommy🐘 PCOS cyster 👯‍♀️

Has anyone had their first born let you know what gender you gonna have? I’m only 5 weeks and I believe she knew I was pregnant before I found out last week 🤪 sounds crazy but she has been acting out for acouple weeks now Having accidents on herself and not telling me when he has to use the potty, when she use to let me know. She is in underwear during the day and pull ups at night. She is more clingy than ever before. She don’t want to sleep in her bed, she starting to sleep at my bedroom door. She is wines and wants my attention all the time, no matter how long I spend with her. Majority of the time we are together 😒. She started telling dad last month about brother now she tell me but she say she want a sister. What you ladies think? Is it true she knows she going to have a little brother 🧐🤨