Am I wrong ?

me and my Ex - fiancé split up when I was four months pregnant because I found out he cheated on m AGAIN .. with his first sons mother and she is now pregnant and due in May

Me and my ex have not been able to be cordial these past couple days because honestly I am hurt he doesn’t do anything for our son and while I was pregnant he barley helped me then and now that our son is about to be one month he still doesn’t do anything and now that he is dating his other child’s mother he treats my son almost like he doesn’t exist

And to make things worst today he FaceTimed me and said he wanted to see his son ( mind u his lives 10mins from us ) I told him he could have came by an spent time with him if he really wanted to see him so today I decided enough was just enough I have dealt with his shit for years all the lies and cheating I stayed with him until that last time and even now we were still intimate right before we had our son it’s just a lot and idk what to do anymore at this point I honestly just want help with our son and I get frustrated to the point where we don’t even talk we just fuss