Over reacting or he is unfaithful??

Im pregnant 24 weeks, some people might think Im too emotional but the reality is that I dont trust my husband. He was unfaithful to me 2 years ago, many times. I forgive him and we start a new life, we move from the city. We went for vacation 2 months ago. When we came back, I find text msg with a girl back in that country, he said he wasnt talking to nobody, he try to make me feel stupid when I know the truth. I try to ignore that, since Im not working right now, I got no option and can't go no where, Im pregnant with 2 other kids. Cant wait to have ny baby find a job and say bye to him...Today we went to change vehicles oils at the same time. He waa seating next to me and a women called him, he looked nerveous, she said in a low tone voice "Hi, how are you?". Immediately he said "hey, how are you, are you in your way to work?". He get up his seat and went outside to talk to her, and spoke to her for about 15 min. I start getting uncomfortable and I get up and go to him, at soon at he sees me he told her "Okay, take care, we talk in another ocassion". So I told him "Keep talking to her, Why you gotta stop talking to her?" And as usual he play the victim and get upset with me, he was saying Im too jealus and that Im crazy. We argue when we came home and he said that he get up to speak outside because he was in a waiting room with more people. First of all those people were American, they dont speak the language he was speaking and it was only 2 american person. The waiting room is big, even my self was speaking in that waiting room. I was so upset cuz he dont work for no company to be a coworker, he is self employee. What you think? Am I over reacting?