7 months pregnant and overwhelmed


Hi ladies, i guess i just needed to vent. I received a call from a friend of ours asking me for a favor. Something that will require about a 3 week commitment, for couple hours every week and that will require physical effort, nothing extreme but i will have to drive, be on my feel for like 2 hours and spend several hours sitting on my computer editing couple times a week for 3 weeks. Aside from this. We are moving to our new house in a month and my baby shower is coming up soon, my job has been super busy and i just feel super tired and overwhelmed as it is and my to do lists both at work and home seems to grow longer everyday. When i received the call i couldn’t say no to my friend so i agreed to do it and after i hang up i started crying because i just don’t think i can add one more thing to my plate. And being 7 months pregnant, i just can’t predict how i will feel 2 to 3 weeks from now and i am already exhausted and overwhelmed as it is.

So my husband suggested i call that friend and politely explain that i am in no position to be taking on more responsibility for now, which i did. But now i just feel like shit and that i am being a bad friend. But am i really? I mean, why would he even put me in this situation? 🥺