I'm so tired

Abbie • Love my family! Little girl named Rose and a baby boy named Azerith and a little girl due Feb. 9th gonna be named Zelda.

I'm 7 weeks and 5 days and I'm exhausted all the time. It's better than barfing my guts out like my first pregnancy, but all I wanna do is sleep and I feel unmotivated and I have almost (as of may 28) 3 year old to keep up with. Plz tell me I'm not alone, and if you do have a common pregnancy what do you do? Like I still take care of my kid ofcourse (no slack on that) I still work a job 4 days a week 7 hours a day. But no matter how much water I drink or have that one Coffee a day, I just can't shake this tired feeling. Like even if im awake I need to sometimes lay down and that's when I feel the most normal. I stand or sit and my body acts like it's time to go to bed with constant yawns, stretches and tired tears. Sorry for the paragraph I just feel stuck.