6 kids later my body


I have 6 kiddos ages 16, 13,12,8,4,7 months. Ive always been very skinny until I had baby number 5! So i was 93lb before baby #1 120lb @9 months went back down to 100lb, baby #2 I got up to 140lb got back down to 120lb but became pregnant with number 3 before losing it all, then with number 3 I got up to 193lb the biggest ive ever got, BUT I got back down to 105lb size zero again, #4 I sent all the way up to 165 and after I hit 120lb and never went lower but I was ok with that because I was a healthy weight not under weight, but then #5 I got up to 180 and after never went below 145 no matter what I did I could not get any lower, I've had 3 major back surgeries that have affected my weight im sure but now I had number 6 in August he was born 7 weeks early so I didn't even go thre nine months I weighed 187 when he was born I've gotten down to 165lb but I just cannot lose anymore, I'm not exercising all the time or eating too great I have 6 kids its impossible but I do my best. But im starting to think that this is just my body now and I need to accept it the way it is, my stomach is so stretched out it looks like im super fat I do enjoy that my butt and boobs are bigger when I'm heavier but I don't enjoy the tummy, I do core exercises because of my back surgeries I have to keep a strong core, I'm not 100% sure what I'm wanting to ask maybe just any mom's out there with more than 4 kids notice that it was nearly impossible to grey back to normal after number 5 or 6? I'm breastfeeding but breastfeeding has never helped me lose weight lol it's there anyway I could get rid of my middle part but none of the rest of it? Ive looked into the mommy makeover but I know that's a bit extreme! Any advice or anyone know anyway to help more? Here I am all the chubby glory of me 🤮🤮🤮


I cannot believe the out pouring of love here ladies!! You are all sooooooooo amazing and yall have really helped me to try to see past my body dysmorphia!! I feel like when I look In ther mirror I don't see what others see it's like im looking im a carnival distorted mirror that's the only way I can explain it! I was hesitant to post this but I'm so thankful that I did!! This right here is what yhe world needs more of women building each other up instead of tearing down!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!! We had a surprise im July when we'r found out we're 10 weeks pregnant with #7! I hope I can keep this positivity going instead of reverting back to seeing myself as disgusting!! I'm 19 weeks and right now at 160lb so I'm ok with that for now, I'm stressed as this was very unexpected and for ther first time I have morning sickness with vomiting but y'alls comments have me feel better truly ladies from the bottom of my heart I thank each and every one of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!