When did u find out?

Nashia • Hoping to grow my family... Live your best life with love, family and growth❤️❤️

How many of you found out you are pregnant on valentines Day or the weekend of valentines? And if not then, when and how far along was you?

Valentines was on a Thursday this year my man and I celebrated it and our anniversary that weekend and found out I’m pregnant that Monday after.. it was The 1st Day of my Missed period. I’m now officially 8weeks(2months) and I’m still in disbelief that I am. Besides me being constantly hungry, sleepy and now nausea kickin my butt 😫😫🤦🏾‍♀️. I love this baby already and I pray it’s a girl I already have a soon to be 9yr old son. I need a daughter but even if my baby turns out to be a boy I love it to the moon and back 😍😍❤️❤️