Should I wait or should I not?


I am FTM with insulin controlled gestational diabetes. In my last ultrasound at 36 weeks 4 days, baby was measuring 7 pound 2 oz, my mfm doctor told me that baby is on the bigger side but not too big to have c-section or induce earlier and if I want, I can wait till 40 weeks and go naturally without induction. But, my Ob doctor is talking about Induction at 39 weeks. And says that baby is full term on 39 weeks and no point in waiting a week. I do not have any health problem apart from gd and baby is also healthy. So, I do not know what should I do. Should I agree on being induced at 39 weeks?? Or should I wait till 40? I have heard that induction labour is long and contractions 10 times more painful, I want to have my baby with less medical intervention as possible, but I am also concerned about baby’s weight. Does baby grow alot in last week of pregnancy?? What if baby gets bigger and I end up with c-section or epistomy?? Because I want to avoid these two. Has anyone waited till full term with gd and had normal delivery? What would be my best option?? Is induction really bad? 😨😨