Just looking for kind words..

Laura • 🌈👦👼👶

I am freaking out!!! I am 10 weeks 2 days. I had a ultrasound at 8w5d heart beat was 151..

I had a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks before and didn’t find out till 12 weeks.

I am in fear I am starting to panic! I spotted around 7 weeks but stopped after..

I am in so much fear! Any advice and some kind words. I haven’t told anybody but my partner about our pregnancy. I know everyone has the fear. But I am just dying, my doctor app isn’t till next week & i will be 11weeks he don’t want to do heart dropper till 12 weeks. I don’t have any scans till 20 weeks. I am just in panic! I wanna know she’s still there !