a day in my life.

I hate Tuesdays. They are the busiest days for me and I hate feeling rushed to do anything. It’s currently 5:10 pm and I thought I’d give you a glimpse of how weird my day was.

Woke up at 7, like usual. Woke husband up. Got up and jumped in the shower while husband gets the kids up and changes our youngest’s diaper.

Came out of the shower, could NOT find my hair dryer ANYWHERE. Looked for a good 10 minutes. Gave up and threw my hair in a messy bun. Went downstairs, got the kids breakfast and made myself a smoothie while husband gets ready upstairs. Drank my smoothie while watching the kids eat. Noticed I forgot to turn on the light in the living room, as soon as I turn it on the light burns out.

Got the kids dressed. Look at the time, it’s 9:15. I FREAK OUT because I am supposed to leave at 8:30. Look at my phone, it’s only 8:15. Somehow forgot to change the time on the microwave last week.

Get my stuff ready for work. Get the kids’ stuff ready. Get the kids dressed. Get kids in the car. Start the car. Husband comes in the garage to start his car. I get out of mine. LOCK THE CAR WITH THE KEYS INSIDE. (Still have no idea how this happened tbh). Husband rushes to get secone car keys set. Few minutes later we both leave, one after another.

I get to Starbucks. Order my usual grande very berry hibiscus green tea. Spill the entire thing on my lap because the lid was not closed properly. Leave very angry.

Get to the daycare. Drop the kids off. Daughter is NOT letting go of my leg (Which is still wet may I add). Manage to convince her that I have to go.

Get to work. The computers are not turning on. We need those to access the calendar and database. Call the IT guy. He comes an hour later. Manages to turn on the computers then leaves. We try to get on the network. Wifi isn’t working. Call the IT guy again. He fixes it. It’s noon and we are just starting the day. We start the briefing and I get the sharpest pain in my stomach. I freak out, I’m only 17 weeks pregnant. I rush to the bathroom. Call my husband. Call my doctor. Call my husband again to tell him that the doctor wants to see me. At this point I’m feeling a little dizzy so I sit down while waiting for my husband to pick me up.

We get to the doctor’s office. I’m still in horrible pain. I’m imagining the worse. Three hours later we are back home. Apparently it’s “round ligament pain” and will go away on its own. Still freaking out but husband is very supportive and takes the time to make sure I’m comfortable. He makes me a bubble bath with candles so I can relax while he goes to pick up the kids.

And that’s what happened today. Now I have a whole day of work to catch up on 😅 Great.