What should I do


So here’s a long story that I can’t openly discuss with my friends or family. I met a guy about 7-8 months ago. We started hanging out and became good friends, I really liked him and I didn’t know how to tell him. He was with a girl and I didn’t know until after I had kissed him, he wasn’t very open about it. I eventually started staying at his house but I’d feel guilty. He would come to me every time they’d “break up” but theyd always be back together within 2-3 days and he’d try to cut me off again. I was hurt but I mostly felt guilty. One day they broke up and I saw scratches on his back but they were deep and had bled there was scars. She didn’t scratch him she cut him... I decided to mind my business because he isn’t very open and I felt it wasn’t my place.

Eventually we began to get closer he’d call me almost in tears saying he wasn’t good enough for her because she would bring him down. He would second guess himself and keep trying for her even when she’d tell him he wasn’t who she wanted or wasn’t good enough. They’d constantly argue and I would just say that if he loves her then he should talk to her.. couldn’t say anything else I loved him. But he’d never believe that. She cheated on him multiple times, one day she came to his house saying her back hurt after sleeping with another guy. She left his house to go back to another guys and then came back the next day.

Fast forward a couple months and they break up this time for good. We started spending more time together. Then he gets a restraining order. She said he raped and beat her. I know this man, he has cried in my arms because she told him she had been raped before. He cried because he missed her and he was hurting.. we’d talk for hours just to make sure he was okay. He had NEVER touched her in any harmful way. A few weeks later we were at his house, that’s when the cops showed up and arrested him. I hadn’t spoken to him in a couple weeks. Then one day I get a letter, he keeps saying he appreciates me. At this point I didn’t know what to believe. I started getting in contact with his grandma only to find out this girl has gotten ALL of her previous exes locked up with the same story. They “raped and beat” her. They gave him no bond.. another court trial he calls I told him I love him.. I couldn’t let him think nobody was there anymore. He said it back, I still remember the butterflies. I started putting money in his account so he can call me and eat. But again- no bond.. he calls me every day but I’m scared. He could get 6-30.

Now a days his grandmother is going off on me when I don’t tell her he called. But when I do she tells me I don’t have to. I don’t know what to do. His mom wants to meet up for lunch, I haven’t met her. He only recently gave me her number. What am I supposed to do? I feel like he needs me and I do love him, but what if he gets locked up for 6-30.. I want to be there and stay but how will I.. will I only ruin this trying to stay in a relationship while he’s in there? Or am I just worrying too much? What should I do stick it out and see or just be friends until I know?