Mixed emotions.


January 4th I had a faint positive. On the 7th I began spotting. The spotting got heavier the next day with some discomfort so I went to the ER. I was told my HcG was 19 and I was experiencing a chemical pregnancy. I went back in on the 11th to have my levels checked (dropped to a 4) between that time I had very heavy bleeding and painful cramps. My miscarriage was confirmed by HcG levels.

So February comes and still no cycle, I took a few test around valentines and they came back negative. I went on with life and didn’t think anything more.

Now here we are in March. On the 4th I decided to test again since I still had no cycle and I had been feeling very fatigued. Come to my surprise it was a faint positive. I went to my family doctor on the 8th for blood work my HcG was 108. Today I had an OB visit that left me very confused and stressed. I had a transvaginal ultrasound there was a visible sac and yolk sac, but my doctor said it could be from my miscarriage or a molar pregnancy. She gave me no hope and left me in doubt.

Has anyone went through this with a positive outcome? I need comfort or at least some hope.

I do go back on the 27th to have another sono and lab work.


After yesterday’s visit I’m feeling much better ❤️

6w1d - due 11/19/19 🌈