is it bad to be shy/nervous ?


alrighty, well let’s get this straight I am a really shy person especially around someone I like . me and my crush talk all the time in 7th period and im fine with that. I’m always nervous around him because I don’t want to mess things up . But anyways so one day one of my friends told me to “grow some balls and talk to your crush” . she honestly made me feel bad... heck she still does . I know that I should tell her but I honestly don’t like telling people how I feel but yea she’s always like “it’s bad to be shy or nervous around someone you like” and I always say “ oh okay” ( honestly I don’t care cause if he knows that I’m shy why would he like me ?) basically morale of the story, I don’t know if I should dislike myself because of my shyness or not . I feel bad about myself and idk if I should feel this way